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Construction companies turning to new tech to improve safety

On Behalf of | Jul 11, 2019 | Workers' Compensation |

In Kentucky and elsewhere, construction remains one of the most dangerous industries regardless of the safety improvements that many companies have made. Even with the recent safety improvements, some companies are turning to new and upcoming technology, such as virtual reality, machine learning and drone photography, to make the job even safer.

In addition to reducing costs, companies are ultimately finding that some of the ever-improving technology is helping prevent construction accidents. For example, a construction company based in Florida is using virtual reality to help train their employees before they ever go on a job site. The company uses a video-game-like system that allows them to evaluate employees’ job performance and their ability to adapt to a changing environment while following the company’s safety protocols.

As another example, one construction company based in Massachusetts has begun to use artificial intelligence in an attempt to keep employees safer. According to the report, the construction company has been collaborating with a company that uses computer vision and a deep-learning algorithm to identify potentially dangerous situations. Ultimately, the technology should be able to flag workers who are failing to follow safety protocols, such as working too close to the machinery or not wearing protective clothing.

Individuals who get hurt at work are entitled to workers’ compensation, which is designed to cover the cost of medical care and potentially provide a portion of their income if they can no longer work as a result of the injury. However, the workers’ compensation system can be confusing and difficult to navigate, especially once an employer’s insurance company gets involved, potentially making it difficult for an injured employee to obtain the full benefits to which he or she may be entitled. An attorney may represent an injured worker throughout the entire case, which may include filing a lawsuit against the employer if the person’s benefits are denied.
