When you experience a motor vehicle accident, you might feel inclined to go on your way after exchanging information with the other driver. If you feel no pain or notice no immediate symptoms, seeking medical attention may be unnecessary.
The reality is that many traumatic brain injuries manifest as secondary injuries that develop over hours or days after an accident. Whether or not you or a loved one sustains a primary brain injury in a car crash, knowing more about secondary brain injuries is essential so you can take appropriate action as the situation changes.
What can cause a secondary brain injury?
The same type of trauma that causes a primary brain injury, such as a head collision with a windshield or the pavement in a vehicle accident, can also lead to secondary brain injuries. Direct injuries like concussions or fractures are usually immediately apparent, but the circumstances that build up to a secondary injury are gradual. Insufficient blood flow or oxygen to the brain and gradual brain swelling are examples of secondary brain injuries.
What are the symptoms and effects of a secondary brain injury?
Pain, fatigue, light-headedness or headaches that develop over hours or days following an accident can indicate a secondary brain injury. If left untreated, this type of injury can result in continued death of brain cells and may ultimately be fatal for the victim.
Brain injuries can be catastrophic for those who experience them, even if the effects are not immediately noticeable. If you or a loved one suffers a blow to the head in a car accident, it is essential to consult a medical professional and seek compensation from the at-fault party.